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APIResponse[T] = object
  ok*: bool
  errors*: Option[seq[RequestError]]
  result*: Option[T]
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BaseResourceEntity = ref object of RootObj
  id*, name*, shortDescription*, description*, inviteLink*, owner*, lastFetch*: string
  avatar*, website*: Option[string]
  standardBannerID*, upCount*: int
  showDefaultBanner*: Option[bool]
  status*: ResourceStatus
  ratings*: seq[ResourceRating]
  premium*: PremiumResourceFeatures
  reviewsActionsDisabled*: bool
  ups*: Option[seq[UpEntity]]
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BoticordNotificator = ref object
  token*: string
  connection*: WebSocket
  stop*: bool
  events*: NotificatorEvents
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BoticordNotifyEvent[T] = proc (data: WebsocketNotifyData[T]) {.async.}
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BoticordRequestError = ref object of CatchableError
  errors*: seq[RequestError]
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BotLibrary = enum
  blDiscord4J = 1, blDiscordcr, blDiscordGO, blDiscordoo, blDSharpPlus,
  blDiscordJs, blDiscordDotNet, blDiscordPy, blEris, blJavacord, blJDA, blOther
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BotTag = enum
  btModeration, btCombine, btUtil, btFun, btMusic, btEconomy, btLogs, btLevels,
  btNSFW, btCustomizable, btRolePlay, btMemes, btGames, btAI
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CommentAddedPayload = object
  content*: string
  rating*: int
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ErrorCode = enum
  ecInternalServerError, ecRateLimited, ecNotFound, ecForbidden, ecUnauthorized,
  ecBadRequest, ecRpcError, ecWsError, ecUnknownError, ecThirdPartyFail,
  ecUnknownUser, ecShortLinkTaken, ecUnknownShortDomain, ecUnknownLibrary,
  ecTokenInvalid, ecUnknownResource, ecUnknownTag, ecPermissionDenied,
  ecUnknownComment, ecUnknownBot, ecUnknownServer, ecUnknownBadge,
  ecUserAlreadyHasABadge, ecInvalidInviteCode, ecServerAlreadyExists,
  ecBotNotPresentOnQueueServer, ecUnknownUp, ecTooManyUps, ecInvalidStatus,
  ecUnknownReport, ecUnsupportedMediaType, ecUnknownApplication,
  ecAutomatedRequestsNotAllowed, ecInvalidRating, ecDuplicateBot,
  ecCannotDetectIp, ecThirdPartyMonitoringFail,
  ecThirdPartyMonitoringNotApproved, ecTurnstileError,
  ecServiceConfiguredIncorrectly, ecUnknownBoost, ecBoostExpired,
  ecAlreadyCommented, ecReviewRatingsConflict, ecTooManyConsecutiveMessages,
  ecNoServiceBot, ecAlreadyReported, ecCannotDeleteOwner, ecBlockedBot,
  ecUnknownAutomation, ecOnlyOwnerCanAddServer, ecReviewReported,
  ecLowPremiumLevel, ecCaptchaServiceUnavailable, ecInvalidCaptchaAnswer,
  ecResourceNotOwned, ecResourceFetchTimeout, ecCannotFetchOwner,
  ecTooManyCaptchaAttempts, ecEmptyReview
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MeiliIndexedBot = ref object
  id*, name*, description*, shortDescription*, invite*: string
  avatar*: Option[string]
  ups*, banner*: int
  rating*: float
  guilds*: Option[int]
  tags*: seq[BotTag]
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MeiliIndexedComment = ref object
  id*, author*, content*, resource*, created*, modReply*: string
  rating*: int
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MeiliIndexedServer = ref object
  id*, name*, description*, shortDescription*, invite*: string
  avatar*, discordBanner*: Option[string]
  ups*, rating*, banner*: int
  members*: Option[int]
  tags*: seq[ServerTag]
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MeiliSearchResponse[T] = object
  hits*: seq[T]
  query*: string
  hitsPerPage*, page*, totalPages*, totalHits*: int
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NotifySettings = ref object
  enabled*: bool
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PartialUser = ref object of RootObj
  username*, discriminator*, id*: string
  avatar*, description*, shortDescription*: Option[string]
  socials*: UserSocials
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PremiumFeature = enum
  pfUpMultiplierOne = "up_multiplier_one", pfAutoFetch = "fetch",
  pfVanityInvite = "vanity_invite", pfUpMultiplierTwo = "up_multiplier_two",
  pfSplash = "splash", pfBanner = "banner",
  pfUpMultiplierThree = "up_multiplier_three", pfVanityUrl = "vanity_url",
  pfUpBot = "up_bot", pfInfiniteVanityUrl = "infinite_vanity_url"
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PremiumResourceFeatures = ref object
  active*, autoFetch*: bool
  splashURL*, bannerURL*, vanityInvite*, vanityURL*: Option[string]
  features*: seq[PremiumFeature]
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RequestError = object
  code*: ErrorCode
  message*: string
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ResourceBot = ref object of BaseResourceEntity
  prefix*, discriminator*, createdDate*: string
  supportServerInviteCode*: Option[string]
  developers*: seq[PartialUser]
  library*: Option[BotLibrary]
  guilds*, members*, shards*: Option[int]
  tags*: seq[BotTag]
  notify*: Option[NotifySettings]
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ResourceRating = object
  count*: int
  rating*: range[1 .. 5] = 1
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ResourceServer = ref object of BaseResourceEntity
  memberCount*: int
  bannerURL*, banner*: Option[string]
  createdDate*: string
  tags*: seq[ServerTag]
  moderators*: seq[PartialUser]
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ResourceStatus = enum
  rsHidden, rsPublic, rsBanned, rsPending
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ServerTag = enum
  stChatting = 130, stFun, stGames, stMovies, stAnime, stArt, stProgramming,
  stMusic, stNSFW, stRolePlay, stHumor, stGenshin = 160, stMinecraft, stGTA,
  stCS, stDota, stAmongUs, stFortnite, stBrawlStars
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UpAddedPayload = object
  upCount*: float
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UpEntity = ref object
  id*, expires*: string
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UserBadge = object
  id*: int
  name*, assetURL*: string
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UserLinkType = enum
  ultVk, ultTelegram, ultDonate, ultGit, ultCustom
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UserProfile = ref object of PartialUser
  badges*: seq[UserBadge]
  bots*: seq[ResourceBot]
  servers*: seq[ResourceServer]
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UserSocials = object
  vk*, git*, telegram*, donate*, custom*: Option[string]
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WebsocketAuthData = object
  token*: string
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WebsocketNotifyData[T] = object
  id*, user*: string
  happened*: int
  payload*: T
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WebsocketNotifyType = enum
  UpAdded = "up_added", ReviewAdded = "comment_added",
  ReviewEdited = "comment_edited", ReviewRemoved = "comment_removed"
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WebsocketPacket[T] = object
  event*: WebsocketSendEvent
  data*: T
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WebsocketReceiveEvent = enum
  wreHello = "hello", wrePong = "pong", wreNotify = "notify"
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WebsocketSendEvent = enum
  wsePing = "ping", wseAuth = "auth"
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